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The bouquet is consist of: 1 Dozen Pink and White Carnations in a bouquet...
This Bouquet consists of 1 dozen red carnations in a bouquet...
The Bouquet consists of 1 Dozen Red Roses and 1 Dozen Red Carnations in a bouquet...
A bouquet of 20 pieces of white carnations and 20 pieces pink carnations arranged in a round bouquet..
This flower arrangement in a vase is composed of 3 pieces sunflower with 10 pieces pink carnat..
This urn arrangement is composed of purple and white lysianthus, pink snapdragon, white jimba, pink ..
A bouquet of 1 dozen pink carnation and 1 dozen white aster...
This flower arrangement in a vase is composed of 3 pieces sunflower, red carnations and yellow mums...
A dozen of mixed carnations, alstromerias, and ball poms...
This urn arrangement is composed of 5pcs fuchsia roses with 2 bundle cluster touch of pink carnation..
A basket of mix beautiful flowers composed of roses, pink carnations, gerberas, mums and lilies...
This urn arrangement is composed of 2 dozen white roses and 2 dozen red roses...
This urn arrangement is composed of 10pcs red gerbera with mixed of 10pcs pink carnation and 1 dozen..
This urn arrangement is composed of flower composition, carnation, stargazer, and roses...
This urn arrangement is composed of white phalaenopsis with white ecuadorian roses, white cabbage ro..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen red imported roses and pink carnation..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen white imported roses and white carnation..
Round box filled with orange gerberas, red carnations, pink roses and stargazers...
The fruit basket is consist of: Mixed seasonal fruits in a basket with colorful flowers such as s..